Muaythai Boxing Academy Unit of RAJDHANI ASSOCIATION OF MUAYTHAI (Regd) Recognized by DELHI OLYMPIC ASSOCIATION is dedicated to keep the pure essence and great art of ancient Muay Thai alive, we have our roots coming from legendry grandmasters of muay thai in Thailand and thus bringing all ancient aspects of Muay thai to you including Muay boran, Muay chaiya , Muay korat and Muay lopburi and it is the same arrival of ancient art from Thailand to India we try our best to adhere to all customs and warrior ritual of Muay Thai As we are aware that Muay Thai ring fight, we call modern day Muay thai carries the same essence of ancient of Muay thai, and over the time Muay Thai boxing academy has produced tremendous Muay Thai fighters of state, national, International level above all, these fighter come from different walks of life our master Kru Narender Kumar’s incredible coaching our fighter achieved great glory and success inside and outside the ring, we always keep ourselves geared up with latest Muay thai equipment from Thailand.
The academy is strongly authentic to be affiliated with Muay Thai India(Regd)(MTI), International Federation Muaythai Amateur, Kru Muay thai Association (Thailand), International Muay Boran Federation, Siam Yout Thailand, gives Thai, great height to the carrier of our Muay thai fighters, as the saying going that we do not make fighters but warriors of life, this saying is reflected in most Muay thai practitioners of the academy the teaching does not only turn them into amazing Muay thai fighters but also enlighten them on their lives so that they can live happier lives and turn out to be wonderful human beings. We often organize number of Muay thai tournament, which brings a great motivation, increases mental power, we learn to transform the toughest situation of life into a mere play.
MUAYTHAI boxing academy
Sadiq Nagar New Delhi
Muay Thai Boxing Academy Unit of Rajdhani Association of muaythai Recognized by Delhi Olympic Association, Siam Yout , IFMA and Kru Muaythai Association has its roots attached to Thailand, it comes from the legendry Grand master Sane Thubtimthong , GM Yodtong Srivraluk, Grand Master Pranoom Aumpin (Kru Dang), GM Chinawut Srisompan woody and the training of different aspect of Muay Thai is going on till date. The master of Muay Thai Boxing Academy Kru Narender Kumar is still researching more on Muay Thai science. Kru Narender kumar is the direct student of all above Grand Master and especially spent most of his Muay Thai Training under Grand Master Sane Thubtimthong . Muaythai boxing academy hold affiliations with Delhi Olympic association, internationally it is affiliated with international Muay Boran Federation ,Kru Muay Thai Association and International Federation muaythai Amateur, Siam Yout. Muay Thai Boxing Academy often holds various training programme of ancient Muaythai styles such as Muay boran, Krabi Krabong and Muaythai Sports.
Note: In the case of discontinuation of course the admission is valid only for 3 months, after the period of 3 months student has to go for new admission.
Students will be trained in Basic Exercises, Specific Exercises, full body starching, Basic Punches, Kicks, Knees, elbows, Clinch, Wai Kru, Fighting Tactics and techniques.
When the Student has completed the Basic training, the student may take up Mae Mai Muay Thai and Look Mai Muay Thai techniques, which are major techniques in Muay Thai and are advanced. Students will be taught all 15 Mae Mai and 15 Look Mai techniques.
We have tried our best to make Muay Thai training available to most interested people come to us ,therefore we have personal classes available, experience martial artist, masters or who intent to pursue their careers in muaythai come for the personal class, even the ones who have really busy schedule and can’t cope up with the batch timing are welcome to choose a time slot of their choice in personal class.
There are famous personalities who do not like to reveal their training are also the part of this training.
Muay The ancient term refers army, the word Army itself carries a deeper meaning. Discipline, courage, patriotism and off course a calm and intelligent brain is the integral part of trailing. Kids brain is prone to get negatively influenced, though television, internet and modern day environment . Training kids in the discipline of muay thai assures an extraordinary personality and they will be grow up as an amazing adults. Muay thai training to kids is provided by senior coaches, it takes place in a friendly and positive environment and training is completely dedicatited to polish their inner qualities. Enhancing their creativity, and to strengthen their brain, it enables them to take the charge of their lives and will unlock all those capabilities This Muay Training is alone enough to glorify ones personality, one does not need to go through a number of personality development courses etc. Your kid will not be physically stronger grow very well but you will see him getting successful in all other aspect of life. Muay thai will be a true bliss and boon for young kids.
We make sure training takes place in extremely safe environment, under the supervision of expert Masters and Muay thai training will produce contanst improvement in the personality of a child.
We have tried our best to make Muay Thai training available to most interested people come to us ,therefore we have personal classes available, experience martial artist, masters or who intent to pursue their careers in muaythai come for the personal class, even the ones who have really busy schedule and can’t cope up with the batch timing are welcome to choose a time slot of their choice in personal class.
There are famous personalities who do not like to reveal their training are also the part of this training.
Mental control and mastery over the art of life is the integral part of Martial Arts, Muay Thai was the art of ancient army hence this is a fundamental part of Muay Thai. Survival and Mental Training is essential for the modern life. Our life is full of comforts and technology and it has affected our brains a lot, survival and without modern life style and luxury we find our lives monotonous, hard and awful. These training takes you into the core of nature and we explore and develop all other aspect of human life, learn to survive in odd situation these training programs give us the liberty to live without technology and comfortable modern life which is turning human being into the slave of machinery and thus we get the mastery to be happy and mentally very strong in any situation. Human Brain has infinite abilities that why we have such amazing technology, survival training trains us in survival tactics, we learn to merge the nature and the science, making camps, identify edible plants, and all those abilities which are mandatory to survive.
Capsule course is a very efficient program to develop the skill of Muay Thai art, the capsule course is not at all a short cut to master the art but has been designed for those who have decided to take Muay Thai Boxing intensively, the entire program is for 3months, people currently practicing any other form of martial art are eligible for the this course, Course consists long and rigorous training sessions to understand the core of Muay Thai, only those who are a background in any other art will have that ability to understand the art quickly, this course will develop a better understanding of Muay thai and will dramatically elevate your skill in this art, intensive work out, consistency, and personal guidance are the main traits of this course.
The concept of Muay Thai Boxing academy of corporate training is to revive the life out of people who are stuck in job, they have peer pressure and stress in their lives and beyond the unending circle of family and time they just can’t think anything else and are involved only in money making. In such life styles health level are tend to go down mentally and physically. Our programme revive the true internal happiness and equip them with the requires lesson of how to live life happily and in a most healthier manner, working people are often the most vulnerable targets when it comes to crime like robbery and theft or the road rage because their life converts them into a human being who is only good to work with computers, in muay thai boxing academy, our progamme give them the strongest self defense system after the programme they will find themselves stronger with high level of focused and problems like depression will almost fade away and will get new bright way of living.
Muay thai also referred as King of Martial Arts, has maintained its crown by keeping its by keeping its deadliness alive and remained uninfluenced by changing trends where in most marital art has taken the light form of sports muay thai has not lost its devastating ability battlefield traits, Muay Thai a battle field martial arts with its roots in India too, can be taken as a prime bare handed and unarmed combat for modern militaries, The science behind muay thai art of fighting enables its practitioner to develop the deadliest weapon out of human body and to use it with ease. Muay thai has been tested for centuries in battles, ancient brains studied human anatomy better than any one and an incredible knowledge was invested in the creation of Muay Thai till date muay thai is one of the deadliest unarmed combat art form, with the scientific development of human weapons such as elbows and knees muay thai. It increase the possibility of winning and ending the fight quickly hence it makes fighting multiple opponents easy. Muay Thai Boxing academy goes beyond the limit of ring muay thai and present the ancient treasure of Muay Thai Fighting to armed forces such as police and army, most developed and powerful nations train their force in muay thai art of fighting for the unarmed combat as there has been numerous opportunity for arm forced to be able to kill the opponent when you are not armed and even not prepared to fight but situation forced you to be engaged in fight, no way to escape but to fight without Arms, Muay thai enables you have the most devastating weapons of Human body.
Muay a complete unarmed combat is meant for protection as the entire thai history narrates how Thailand protected its borders from various invasions and security, protection becomes great when your guards are trained Muay Thai fighters, unlike today security especially in India, where in its becomes a way of getting employment but the responsibility ability to protect to fight is almost faded. We in Muay thai boxing academy provides intelligent guards with ultimate ability to protect, as mentioned earlier Muay Thai is the most scientific art, a true ancient warrior culture in which even the most commando forces train. We provide combat training to the guards to all security agencies.
Students go through an age where they have entire focus on brain especially there memory they have to memorize a lot and some where their creativity, the unique inner qualities of every person, is not being polished although there are sports other and physically activities which try to cover the gap but apparently we do not often see a well balanced personality therefore student suffer stress, health problems, disciplinary issue etc, students who brought Muay Thai in their regime have been spotted with revolutionary changes, students have not only achieved great level of intelligence but significantly reduced level of stress. Muay Thai training enhances courage and discipline above all it brings dramatic change in decision-making ability, leader ship qualities.
Muay Thai training makes the brain calmer and strong thus you get more control over the brain and gives you an increased clarity of mind, we see dramatic improvement in the academic scores and they will not be any subjects which will be called Tough.
Mongkun Grading Course on the Basis of Registration 1st Batch May, June & July And 2nd Batch Oct, Nov & Dec Classes 2 Days Week.
* Condition Apply
Capsule Course For Championship / Fighting (For National & International) Duration 3 Months.
* Condition Apply
* Condition – a person must be from martial art background at present.
6:00 – 7:30 AM
7:30 – 9:30 AM
9:30 -11:30 AM
11:00 – 1:00 PM
3:00 – 5:00 PM
7:30 – 9:00 PM
8:00 – 9:30 PM
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam consequat lacus in purus iaculis, vitae mollis erat ultrices. Ut ullamcorper metus eu fermentum vestibulum. In lacus sem, lacinia ac laoreet ut, consectetur vitae ante.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam consequat lacus in purus iaculis, vitae mollis erat ultrices. Ut ullamcorper metus eu fermentum vestibulum. In lacus sem, lacinia ac laoreet ut, consectetur vitae ante.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam consequat lacus in purus iaculis, vitae mollis erat ultrices. Ut ullamcorper metus eu fermentum vestibulum. In lacus sem, lacinia ac laoreet ut, consectetur vitae ante.
Curabitur sit amet euismod dolor. Nulla id augue sit amet nisi placerat commodo vel vitae mauris. Suspendisse faucibus laoreet ante, sed faucibus nisl rhoncus vitae.
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