Yoga For Muscle Tone


You don’t need to hit the gym to strengthen or sculpt your body. Instead, you can turn to yoga for toning muscles throughout your body (and best of all, you can do it from the comfort of your home).

With toning, you’re looking to reduce body fat and replace it with lean muscle. High-repetition exercises, like what you move through in a yoga practice, pave the way for that change. Unlike weight-training, which is great for building muscle mass, yoga uses your body weight as resistance, which strengthens and defines your muscles over time. In this way, yoga is similar to cardio workouts like running, an exercise that’s known to build lean muscle. Running is an aerobic form of exercise that burns body fat for energy to keep you moving, while simultaneously strengthening your legs and core with every step.

If you’ve ever taken a vinyasa class or completed 10 Sun Salutations in a row, you know that the feeling in your body is similar to running for a few miles—your heart is beating and you feel the strain in your muscles. Yoga has the added benefit of toning your muscles—and you can target areas of your body based on the poses that you practice.

So what are you waiting for? Get ready to feel the burn and shape your body with these yoga poses for toning.

6 best yoga poses for toning

Vasisthasana Side-Plank Pose

Setu Sarvangasana -Bridge Pose

Paripurna Navasana -Boat Pose

Phalakasana -Plank Pose