Traditional Hatha Yoga

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Hathayoga – Hatha + Yoga – HathaYoga

According to yogic literature, hatha is made up of two words ‘ham’ and ‘th’.

Hakaren tu suryaru syat thakarenonduruchyate. 

Surya Chandramasaurekyam hatha ityabhidhiyate. (Yoga Shikhopanishad)

In which ‘Hum’ means Hakar i.e. Sun voice and ‘Th’ means Thakar i.e. Moon voice. Hatha Yoga, that is, amalgamation or combination of Surya Swar and Moon Swar.

There are many names in Sanskrit for these two divine Deities such as Hath

‘Ha’                   +                  ‘th’

Pingala                                 Ida pulse

Sun tone                               Moon tone

Summer                                WINTER

Pitta                                       Kapha

Day                                         Night

Shiv                                        Shakti

Brahma                                 Jiva 

South                                     North


In Hatha Yoga, when Ida and Pingal Nadi, Vam and Dakshin vowels start moving in the same way, then Sushumna is awakened. When Sushumna starts moving continuously, then the Kundalini energy present in the body in a subtle form is awakened. When Kundalini enters the Sahasrar and meets Param Shiva by penetrating the arrowheads, then this is the meaning of Hatha Yoga in the spiritual sense.

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