
Bodybuilding is a blend of introducing muscle resistance to your body with constant relaxation and a proper protein-rich balanced diet. The purpose of bodybuilding is to give a sense of aesthetic appeal to your body. It is quite different than powerlifting as body building focuses more on appearance rather than strength. Individuals who focus on the aesthetic side of their bodies are known as bodybuilders. To become a true champion in bodybuilding, individuals have to participate in bodybuilding competitions where they have to lineup and perform certain specified poses in front of a panel of judges who rank their poses on the basis of muscle size, muscle cuts, symmetry, conditioning, stage presentation, and posing. In order to achieve the prime form, bodybuilders take a great amount of time and effort to reach the desired results. They are expected to work out at least 2-3 hours every day while having a calorie deficit, yet protein-rich diet.

Some bodybuilders use anabolic drugs and steroids to enhance their performance, however many organizations have banned their use for health purpose. Bodybuilders primarily focus on weight training that is executed via weights in the gym where a high-intensity workout session causes micro-tears in the muscle tissues. This phenomenon is called microtrauma which gives the body a feeling of soreness right after the workout. This helps the microtears to heal. Weight training is done in two ways. It is done either in the form of sarcoplasmic or myofibrillar. Sarcoplasmic form results in the formation of big muscles which requires more reparations while in myofibrillar form, it helps in the formation of a more athletic strength which requires lifting heavier weights

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